Anja Olivier

Daar is baie om by Aluschka te leer, ek het baie insigte uit haar sessies gekry, veral 'staying in the moment to counteract flashbacks'. Ek het in 3 sessies meer van nut gekry as uit conventional psychology deur n sielkundige en selfs psigiaters.

Peter Robins

The Quantam magnetic machine works like magic. I used and it showed my deficiency in certain minerals and vitamins amongst others, and when i did blood test and all it gave me the same results. It works wonders and its real the Chinese have gone far in medicine.

Jacob Motsela

I suffer from a chronic condition, the traditional tinctures brings me relief which conventional medicine for years now cannot.

Eduard Van Der Berg

The Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer testing nutritional status as well is very powerful, it hepled me in achieving my overall personal lifestyle goals.

Isabel Bronkhorst

The tennis lessons I received improved my performance, I am better at the net, and overall my baseline play improved as well. I recommend Aluschka as tennis coach any day. I learned a lot.

Susan Roux

The techniques Aluschka V Heerden applies in her sessions at the Counselling and Wellness Centre is powerful and interesting! Everybody should try it!! The massaging sessions were very relaxing and worked wonders as well!!

Justice Makwena

The holistic counselling sessions were wonderful, the alternative medicine advise were of the highest quality, I enjoyed the golf lessons on the Dartfish analyzer as well! Thank you Aluschka!

Carel Brink

After Aluschka designed my gym program together with advice on supplementation I gained muscle mass and lost 3 kg's of weight. I am ready for the upcoming body building competitions. Thank you Counselling & Wellness!

Johnathan Van Zyl

My counseling sessions at the Counselling and Wellness Centre provided me with various insights of growth and understanding of things I have been struggling with for years.


I am an emphysema sufferer and after, a Counselling and Wellness intervention with traditional remedies together with counselling, I feel much better, thank you Counselling and Wellness Centre!

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