Most Comprehensive (throughout industries) Study Methods & General Assesments (4 all populations) together with Reporting/ Feedback as well, for all ages, 1 or 2 Hour sessions, extensions can be given. (Psychometric/ Ecometric Type testing (P/ETt) specifically revised /combined, focusing on Ecometrics to test various variables as well, considering all ages & various contexts as well cultures (much different than mainstream (reductionistic)/ orthodox/ conventional eg school tests done in the past as well as still administered in the RSA); These type of tests normally ranges between around R400.00 - R1500, depending on the type/s administrated/ reported/ evaluated/ identified etc. Special discounts are available for everybody (all ages) on all services! General Mentoring/ Tutoring/ PsychoEducation/ Speed learning & reading/ Holistic Wellbeing /Lifestyle Tests/ Specific Training/ Coaching etc as separate sessions on offer as well to choice from.


SOME applied examples could be Problem solving through mentoring /training /advisory etc services regarding e.g. technical industries i.e. Alternative power generation from natural sources/ general earth saving recycling energy saving counselling & related etc / farming / student research (post/ undergraduate) thesis support / events/ IT/ Website design/ maintenance/ marketing/ skills-training/ recycling /corporate coaching/ counselling /related /  business coaching & counselling /lifestyle management /life orientation counselling, workshops, mentoring/ e.g. Skillful budgeting / business plans/  related/ career assesments/ study method improvements/ time management especially etc. (Former example/s forms part of Counselling Wellness's (& Author of the book Solar All About) philosophy of a holistic climate change awareness /action campaign as well as assisting the public in general, (specifically corporate sectors, various education sectors ETC).


4 more info Contact Counselling Wellness Coach Aluschka on the above contact details should you have any questions/ want to book an appointment/s for you/ your loved ones/need more info regarding E.G;


Axiology/ ontological/aetiology/ aesthetics/ phenomenology / ideologies/discourse/ hermeneutics/ methodologies/ epistem-logies of Conservational/ Environmental Psychology/ Engineering Psychology/ Professional Alternative (Neo) Psychology & its interesting applications (theoretical/ practical) (not only within re-search circles) contact Aluschka from the Counselling Wellness Center today!


Dont delay make an online appointment-booking click HERE;


(Note psyco/ eco metric assessments need pre planning from the therapist /coach before clients can make e.g. online bookings, however if you would like a study method session/s (/ e.g. other services as briefly mentioned above) only (valued @ normally ONLY R500.00), (prices may change without any notice), feel free to make an appointment/s).


Credit/ Debit Card facilities SOMETIMES available, eg eft welcomed, payable preferably before session/s starts, please note cash is preferred, more than a few sessions recommended, any type/s of cheques are not accepted.



4 More info the about us could be visited, under the applicable subject headings!;
Click HERE, to be redirected.


For any info on e.g. specialized study methods &/ different types of workshops /related (all ages welcomed) contact Aluschka.


- (Note all initial sessions payment must be upfront/in full via eg EFT, more than a few sessions recommended, especially applied to this section).

Study Methods & General Assessments / Feedback as well as specialized reporting only @ Centre of Counselling & Wellness. Pretoria East Moreleta Gauteng Republic South Africa. All ages welcome, special rates always applicable!, on all service-offerings! Come share in Counselling & Wellness's world of knowledge through fruitful learning!
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