Counselling and Wellness Centre, Pretoria 


Overview Of  Some Interrelated Services Offered @ the Counselling Wellness Centre (Pty) Ltd by Specialized Counsellor & Holistic Wellness Coach Aluschka Van Heerden regarding  psychological / spiritual/ physical holistic wellness in general; (All Headings / Sub Headings, in blue are links which could be clicked on 4 more on each section's info):


- Sustainable/ Holistic (alternative) Management (S/HM) of Prevelant Dis-orders/ disabilities within the psychological/ psychiatrical scientists industry, click HERE for more. (Note as well Aluschka's views on the following keeping in mind many years of experience & being an holistic coaching counsellor @ various local/ international rehab centres across the globe). 4 The following info click here.



- Some of these above (attached) (as well as other) are wide variety of approaches/ techniques applied in general, specifically in E.G. Psychological Counselling Coaching (PCC) as well as the other (option service offerings) specially @ the Counselling Wellness Centre (Pty) Ltd.


- Some of these above (attached) (as well as other) are wide variety of approaches/ techniques applied in general, specifically in E.G. Psychological Counselling Coaching (PCC) as well as other (option service offerings) specially @ Counselling Wellness Centre.
Visit the services section 4 more info (regarding the structured options & pricing to choose from) & variety of interesting approaches / techniques / paradigms utilizes as well within the Counselling Wellness Centre T/A Aluschka v Heerden Psych Counsellor/ Wellness Coach regarding eg Wellness Counselling etc & products offered; (Brief introductory overview with some applied examples follows). All examples are only hypothetical as everybody's eg problems /reactions etc differ, @ Counselling Wellness centre services (working as a team) can be tayolered around individual/s needs): Contact Aluschka should eg you require info regarding Counselling Wellness Centr & their services (e.g. Various types of Counselling/ Coaching ETC available/ wellness products etc on offer; Click HERE to view, links supplied in this document, just scroll over the link & press control while clicking on the link, to view further info.



4 Online appointments click here: Online Booking Form; Note this can only be done if choosing options Counselling-Only OR Wellness-option-Only OR Holistic Wellness; Counselling & QRMA (as known @ counselling & Wellness Cntr), as the other services (massaging, practical coaching sessions outdoors & study methods (@ a special price) specifically assessments) needs pre planning, before appointments can be made eg on-line; This was all the service offerings offered @ Counselling/Wellness cntr in a nutshell. Click HERE 4 a complete list of prices on all the services/products to choose from! Contact Aluschka should you require any more info; /have any questions/want to make an appointment/s;  email her personally

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